الاستدامة والقضايا البيئية في المقعد الخلفي

بينما يعالج العالم التحدي الأكبر الذي أوقفه COVID-19 مؤقتًا ، اتخذت الاستدامة والتدابير البيئية مقعدًا خلفيًا ، وشاهدت إعادة تعيين تلقائية للمواضيع البيئية الحرجة التي تشمل قضايا مثل انبعاث الكربون. مع وضع COVID-19 ، يشهد العالم انخفاضًا تدريجيًا في القضايا البيئية ؛ ومع ذلك ، سرعان ما سيعودون إلى النور والنقاش ، بمجرد نجاح العالم في تمرير COVID-19.

With the uncertainty that the whole world is living now, from fires in Amazonia, Indonesia and Australia to political issues in countries like Iraq, Chile and Hong Kong, dressed up with coronavirus challenge, makes it harder for countries and people to have a clear agenda and environmental plans that can be robust enough to handle the different challenges paused around the world.

Once the world steps out of the COVID-19 clout and looks around to economical recovery there are different challenges that need government, international agencies and global thinkers to set roadmaps with an attempt of full collaboration towards unlocking them.

Technology threat and human rights including data protection will keep challenging humanity. Giant global technology companies have set corporate responsibility guidelines and protection laws to protect consumers and their data; however, one can argue around the strict implementation of these regulations across the world and possibility to be pausing risks on defined layers of the global society.

More tangible actions from governments must be in place with regards to sustainability, and good examples for that will be issuance of green bonds, support responsible investments and moving away from sectors that contributes to a polluted planet, like coal.

Capitalism has been one of the hot topics discussed within the world bank economic forums as to have a healthier planet you would need a healthier society and a new manifesto will be released requiring companies to pay their fair taxes, allow no tolerance for any corruption, watch for the human rights throughout their supply chain.

Circular economy will be favored over the take, make, waste model by more businesses, where more than 50 countries have supported limiting single-use plastic waste through bans or imposed taxes.

Above sensitive topics will surface again once humanity clears the COVID-19 issues.

New technology that has to do with detection of coronavirus cases and supporting affected people and reduce the spread of coronavirus will be widely used for medium to long term by different enterprises around the world. Thanks to artificial intelligence, face detection models, IOT and their ability to support humanity war against COVID-19 and any potential pandemics.

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